Robotics Team Made States!

We’re Pi Rho Eagles, PCA’s FTC robotics team. We’re so excited to inform you that WE MADE STATES!!!! On top of that, we currently have the highest no-penalty match score in the state this year at 206 points! At our last qualifier, we got 3rd overall, and won the following awards: Promote Award, Think Award, and 2nd place for the Inspire Award. To win the Promote Award, we made videos sharing our FIRST experiences. Our unique lego grabber won us the Think Award for an innovative design. The Inspire Award is awarded for best overall team and performance. Our 2nd place Inspire Award is what got us to States. In addition, we won the Promote, Compass, and Control Awards at our first qualifier. The Compass award recognized our mentor Robert Stockham, a Pinnacle Alumni. Our top-notch programming won us the Control Award. We can’t wait to see how we all continue to grow as we continue our journey through this year’s season.
By: Diane Austin, Advisor for the Robotics Team