Golf Tournament Fundraiser
We invite you to participate and sponsor the Pinnacle Classical Academy Golf Tournament Fundraiser to support the "Dare to Soar Scholarship Fund". This is a great opportunity for you to make a positive impact on the lives of students who aspire to further their education but face financial challenges. Your contribution will help them achieve their dreams and provide a brighter future. This event promises to be a fun-filled day of golfing and networking while supporting a worthy cause. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you on the green!
Event Details
When & Where
Deer Brook Golf Club
Friday, April 19, 2024
Lunch starts at noon
Shotgun start at 1:00pm
$10,000 Hole in one prize
$1,000 1st place grand prize
$500 2nd place prize
$300 3rd place prize
Closest to the pin prize
Longest Drive prize
Door Prizes and Raffles

Sponsorship Packages
Name (Medium Font) on Banner and Promotional Materials
Team Sponsorship (4 Players)
Hole Sponsorship
Social Media Recognition
Logo on Banner and Promotional Materials
Team Sponsorship (4 Players)
Team Package (4 Mulligans, 4 Strings, and 4 Red Tees)
Hole Sponsorship
Social Media Recognition
Scholarship Fund Recognition at Scholarship Ceremony
Name (Small Font) on Banner and Promotional Materials
Hole Sponsorship
Social Media Recognition