Promotion and Retention
Pinnacle Classical Academy believes that all students can learn and reach their maximum potential. We believe that each student grows and matures in his or her own unique pattern and pace. This may necessitate that a student is retained in a grade in order for the maximum academic growth and development to occur.
Promotion Criteria
Elementary and Middle School (K-8)
A student will be promoted to the succeeding grade level if each of the following exists:
- Completed the course requirements at the presently assigned grade.
- Achieved the instructional objectives set for the present grade level.
- Demonstrated the potential to be successful in the next grade.
- Demonstrated the degree of social/emotional maturity necessary to be successful in the next grade.
High School (9-12)
A student will be promoted to the succeeding grade level if each of the following exists:
- Freshman to Sophomore - Successfully complete 5 units including all four core academic disciplines. (Beginning in 2017-2018 students must successfully complete 6 units to be promoted to the Sophomore class.)
- Sophomore to Junior - Successfully complete 12 units including two courses in each of the four core academic disciplines.
- Junior to Senior - Successfully complete 18 units including three courses in each of the four academic disciplines.
Retention Criteria
Elementary (K-5)
A Student will be considered for retention if a combination of the following criteria exists:
- Student performs significantly below grade level on standardized assessments such as iReady, EOG, and BOG tests.
- Student earns grades of a “D” or “F” in Reading and/or Math.
- Student demonstrates social/emotional immaturity that affects academic achievement.
- Poor work habits, lack of completing homework/classwork, and/or excessive absences affect academic achievement.
- The committee feels that retention will benefit the student.
Middle School (6-8)
A student will be considered for retention if a combination of the following criteria exists:
- Student performs significantly below grade level on standardized assessments such as iReady, EOG, and EOC tests.
- Student earns a grade of “D” or “F” in any two core academic subjects. (English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies)
- Poor work habits, lack of completing homework/classwork, and/or excessive absences affect academic achievement.
- The committee feels that retention will benefit the student.
High School (9-12)
A student will be retained in the current grade level unless they have met each of the requirements for promotion outlined in “Promotion Criteria” above.
Additional factors may be considered in making a decision for retention. In some situations, it may be in the best interest of the student that he or she not be retained even though the student may qualify as a retention candidate.