Meet the Board
The Board members who have been selected bring a wide range of experience and expertise, which serves to ensure the successful oversight of Pinnacle Classical Academy.
Pinnacle Classical Academy’s Board of Directors meet monthly. Meetings are held at 1:00 pm on each of the Sunday afternoon dates below. Any additional meetings of the Directors will be posted promptly. Meeting minutes will also be posted online here. Meetings are open to the public and are held at Pinnacle Classical Academy, Joe’s Lake Road, Shelby, NC 28152. Please feel free to contact the board via email at

Debbie A. Clary
Debbie A. Clary, Founding Chair of Pinnacle Classical Academy, currently serves as the Board Chair. Debbie started her first business, an advertising agency at 21. Her professional history includes ownership of WADA Broadcasting, Millennium Marketing Group, and NC Strategy Partners. She has served 17 years in the NC General Assembly in the House and Senate Chambers, where she held leadership positions, Chair of Appropriations, Chair of Program Evaluation, Chair of Health & Human Services.
As a member of the legislature and a small business owner, Debbie has been dedicated to the development of a better quality of life for North Carolina citizens, thru education and economic development. Building a business friendly North Carolina, first means building an educated workforce, which begins in K-12. The businesses we are able to attract to our state will be only as good as the workforce we are able to offer them. Likewise, being able to attract the highest paying research and technological jobs will secure our children’s future here at home in North Carolina.

T.G. “Wes” Westmoreland, II
T.G. “Wes” Westmoreland, II, Vice-Chair of Pinnacle Classical Academy, and served the maximum two-year term as the Board Chair of Cleveland Community College, where he remains in service on the College’s Board of Directors. Following service in the NC Senate in 2012, Wes was appointed to the Rural Infrastructure Authority of the NC Department of Commerce, and currently serves as Vice-Chair. He also served on the Board for the Printing Industries of the Carolinas. Wes founded Westmoreland Printers, Inc. in 1999, and serves as President. He was named to the Gardner-Webb University Gallery of Distinguished Graduates in 2001, and named Cleveland County Chamber Entrepreneur of the Year in 2004.
Throughout his adult life, Wes has come to recognize the importance of quality education in life, and in addition to his work with Pinnacle and Cleveland Community College, Wes has served as President of the Gardner-Webb University Alumni Association, a trustee at GWU from 2006-2009, on the board of Communities in Schools, and on the Commercial Graphic Advisory Committee for Spartanburg Community College.

Christine Boor, PhD
Dr. Christine Boor is an alumna of Belmont Abbey College and returned to teach there after receiving her Masters and Ph.D. in Political Science from Baylor University. She was recruited to return to Belmont Abbey to become a founding member of the Honors College faculty in great books, and under her guidance that program has generated exponential growth, national acclaim, and flourishing graduates of Belmont Abbey. She was recently appointed to serve as the inaugural Vilma György Pallos Endowed Chair in Classical and Liberal Education at Belmont Abbey College in which capacity she oversees and teaches in the new Masters in Classical and Liberal Education offered by Belmont Abbey.
Dr. Boor is a frequent writer and speaker on all things Aristotle and political philosophy. She has taught courses on American Political Thought, Modern Ideologies, Western Political Philosophy, Love, Friendship, & Marriage, and others. The great loves of her life include Josef Ratzinger, Aristotle, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and, not least, her husband Kyle.

Pauline E. Cahill, DDS
Pauline E. Cahill, DDS, a Founding Board Member, became an active member of the Cleveland County community in 1997, when she and her husband joined the community as medical providers from Canada. Pauline is a dentist and her husband, Calvin Caunt practices Internal Medicine in Shelby. Their son, Ben is a student at Pinnacle.
Pauline is a graduate of Dalhousie University School of Dentistry in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1993, after completing a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at the University of Prince Edward Island. She has completed advanced programs in prosthodontics and esthetics and oral surgery. Since making the move to Shelby, she joined in a partnership with another Dentist and has become extremely active in building a new dental practice in a state of the art facility.
In addition to building a thriving business in the community, Pauline teaches a class in Robotics at Pinnacle. Teaching robotics and the various applications to everything from manufacturing and agriculture to medicine, is a passionate hobby that enables time with her son and students at the school.

Amy Dulin
Amy Dulin currently serves as the Dean of Workforce Development at Cleveland Community College. Amy has served various roles in higher education for over 20 years.
Her educational background includes an Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration from Cleveland Community College, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Gardner-Webb University, and a Master of Arts in Community College and University Leadership from Appalachian State University. Amy is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Gardner-Webb University.
Amy is passionate about workforce development and the importance of preparing students to enter the workforce. She hopes to offer exposure to the numerous pathways available to students after graduation.

Ken Mooney
Ken Mooney has a broad background of professional experience that encompasses manufacturing and operations management, entrepreneurship, and economic and workforce development. He is currently a business unit leader at Clearwater Paper Corporation in Shelby. His educational background includes an Associate of Applied Science in Electronics Technology from Surry Community College, a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology from UNC-Charlotte, and a Master’s in Business Administration from Gardner-Webb University. Ken and his wife Lauren moved to Cleveland County in 1992 and have two sons. Ken has served on various local boards including the Foothills Farmer’s Market, the Cleveland County Chamber, and the Earl Scruggs Center. He understands the importance of equipping students to be lifelong learners with a foundation of core values, skills, and the desire to adapt and embrace constantly evolving workforce needs.

Jeremy Boone
Meeting Dates
The PCA Board of Directors meets the second Sunday of each month, with the exception of July and December. In the event of the date falling on a holiday, the meeting will be changed and noted in the annual schedule. Meetings are open to the public and begin at 1pm in the Media Center at the PCA, Joe’s Lake Road Campus.
Meeting dates are posted below and shared via the school calendar.
2024 Meeting Schedule
- January 14
- February 11
- March 10
- April 14
- May (no meeting)
- June 9
- July (no meeting)
- August 11
- September 8
- October 13
- November 10
- December (no meeting)
2025 Meeting Schedule
- January 12
- February 9
- March 9
- April 13
- May 4
- June 8
- July (no meeting)
- August 10
- September 14
- October 12
- November 9
- December (no meeting)