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Applications Are Now Being Accepted! Pinnacle Classical Academy’s annual application period for the 2020-2021 started October 1, 2020.
What does this mean?
If your child is not currently a student and you want your child to attend Pinnacle Classical Academy for the 2020-2021 school year, you must fill out and submit an Initial Application for each child at the link below and turn it into the school by March 1, 2021.
What if I already have a child at Pinnacle?
If you have a child at Pinnacle and wish to have another child to attend, you must still complete an Initial Application for each child currently not attending that you would like to enroll on or before March 1, 2022.
What should I do?
If you are interested in having your student attend Pinnacle for the 2021-2022 school year, you should fill out an Initial Application. Initial applications are available at the link below as well as either campus: 900 S. Post Road and the 2401 Joe's Lake Road. Initial Application 2021-2022
How to submit the Initial Application
Completed Initial Applications may be mailed or delivered in person to either Pinnacle Classical Academy campus: 900 S. Post Road or 2401 Joe's Lake Road.
Completed Initial Applications can be faxed to 704-482-5527
Completed Initial Applications can be scanned and emailed to