Dr. Bullard Appointed to State Charter School Board

Shelly Bullard, headmaster of Pinnacle Classical Academy in Shelby, has been appointed to a four-year term on the North Carolina Charter Schools Advisory Board.
The appointment, made by the North Carolina General Assembly at the recommendation of House Speaker Tim Moore, became effective on Sept. 1, upon approval of legislation by the state House and Senate.
"We are so proud of Dr. Shelly Bullard's work at Pinnacle Classical Academy," said Debbie Clary, board chair of Pinnacle Classical Academy. "Our lawmakers have recognized that she is one of the premier charter school leaders in the state."
A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Bullard earned her master's degree in school administration and her doctorate in educational leadership from Gardner-Webb University.
Bullard is one of the 11 voting members of the 12-member Charter Schools Advisory Board. The board works to ensure the existence of high-quality charter schools in North Carolina by making recommendations to the State Board of Education on the adoption of rules regarding all aspects of charter school operation, on the final approval of charter applications, and on charter renewals, non-renewals, and revocations.