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Driver Education

Students who are at least 14½ years old and are pursuing a high school diploma or GED can enroll in an approved driver education course. Pinnacle Classical Academy does not offer Driver's Education on-campus. Students will need to contact a school in their LEA (local district) and sign up for Drivers Education through that school.

Laws Related to Driver's Training

LAWS RELATED TO DRIVER'S TRAINING To access the full text of General Statutes related to Public School Education including Driver Education please go to: and view Chapters 20 and 115. NC SBE Policy GCS-R-002 requires Driver's Training be taught outside the instructional day.

NC Driver Handbooks

NC Driver Handbooks Driver Handbooks are now available online from the NCDOT at the link below:

Frequent Questions

What are the requirements for a Driver's Training course in North Carolina's public schools?
Students must complete at least 30 hours of classroom instruction and at least 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. 16 NCAC 05E.0301(4)
Can Driver's Training be taught during the school day?
The Driver's Training program shall not be provided during the regular public school instructional day. 16NCAC 06E.0301 (a) (10) SBE Policy GCS-R-002
What are the state standards and requirements for local boards of education providing Driver's Training?
Driver education is provided to students attending school within the State of North Carolina. The local education authorities, which includes Pinnacle Classical Academy, have the option of charging up to $65 in fees per student. Local boards of education determine the amount of instruction per day, and class size (with the exception of behind-the-wheel instruction limited to between two and four students per car). 16NCAC 06E.0301 (a) (1-10) GS§20-88.1
What are the procedures for providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and Exceptional Children who enroll in public school Driver's Training?
Principals should collaborate with the IEP team and coordinator of 504 Plans to ensure that all reasonable accommodations are provided to students who qualify for Free and Appropriate Public Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.